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No one has ever become poor by giving.

We were very blessed to be allowed the church facility to meet in. They opened their doors to us and we want to be sure we repay them in turn with our respect for the space. I've outlined a few steps we can take each visit to ensure we are taking care of our blessing so we can continue to use it for years to come!




You're responsible for your child

As co-ops go, each family is required to participate in some fashion in order to keep things running. I cannot do it alone and it would not be fair to allow everyone else to volunteer their time while others sit back and reap the benefits with zero effort. Involvement can come in the form of clean-up, class-helpers, teaching, or supervising those who who may not be in a class at the time, including babies and siblings. Sign up by clicking the link below (when live).

Volunteering is Necessary in Order to Participate


Come Prepared and Ready to Learn

In addition to the social requirements (listed along the side here), students should come prepared with the tools needed for each class, as outlined by the instructor. As should go unsaid, they are expected to be respectful of their peers and teachers and participate when appropriate. All our classes are highly interactive, so questions and socialization is encouraged!







Some classes will extend into the home and will require some effort be given throughout the week, either by way of practicing something or completing a part of a project. If this is disregarded, they will not get as much out of the class and could potentially hold up the class as well if the instructor needs to give them extra attention or help.

Do The Work

Respect the Church Boundaries

While the church has allotted us quite a bit of space to use, we have only been approved to be in that left wing. Once beyond the gym doors, unless going to the bathroom, they are outside of our boundaries. Kids are allowed to run around inside the gym, but must walk in the halls and use quiet voices on their way to the bathroom and while leaving the building. There are offices upstairs with people working and we need to be mindful not to interrupt their work with excessive noise.



Whether you're in the class with your child or not, be sure to peek in after class ends and help tidy the space. Use it as a teaching opportunity for your students to make sure they leave their area in better condition than they arrived in it. Tables wiped, trash picked up, chairs pushed in.



If you see a piece of trash that isn't yours, pick it up anyway. Lend a hand with wiping down your neighbor’s space who forget, throwing out garbage that isn’t yours, or even running the hand vacuum. Yes the church has a cleaning staff, but if we can take a few minutes to lend an extra hand, think of how far that will go.




When in class, give the teachers the floor to be able to properly give instructions â€‹and guide the class along. Give peers your attention when they're asking a question. Take care of your space, not just immediately around you, but in the building in general. Be mindful that you're a guest in the facility and don't run or yell down the halls.



The church is not charging us to use their facility. They aren't charging us for added insurance. We are getting the space for FREE. Let's bless them back by making a donation to the church as a thank you. 


Caregivers are required to stay in the building while they have a child in session. This is not a drop-off service or paid program. We cannot have other parents watching out and being responsible for others' children. Adults (and siblings) can hang out in the gym or preschool class while students are in session, to socialize with the other parents and allow the younger siblings to socialize and engage. They may also sit in on the classes if appropriate and if space allows.

A reminder that we are in a church and with mixed company (children of all ages). Adults and older children need to be mindful of their behavior and speech, as little ears are always listening and nearby. So please use polite manners and censored language. 




Acknowledgement of Code of Conduct & Rules

Both students & their caregivers will be required to sign this agreement form at the start of each session if they haven't previously, acknowledging the requirements in order to participate in our co-op. Failure to comply or disrespecting the rules could result in being asked to leave.

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